Under gavelkind succession, the primary heir does not get claims on titles that are passed to junior heirs who become vassals. Under feudal elective succession, all pretenders get weak claims. When a title holder dies or abdicates, the primary heir acquires the title, the second and third successor in line get strong claims, and all the other children get weak claims. or claimant is 2nd or 3rd in line to the title. the title is currently contested in another war. the title holder is in regency (due to imprisonment, incapability, youth, pilgrimage, or in hiding). the title holder is female and the claimant is male (except with Full Status of Women or gender equality game rule). With Holy Fury, tribals with strong claims may duel a tribal title holder for the title, if both tribals are independent or belong to the same realm. Characters who are rulers and hold multiple strong claims may push all of them in the same war. With strong claims, it becomes possible for rulers to usurp duchies and kingdoms from a character in the same realm, provided the title is not the same rank or higher ranked than their liege's. Only if the woman converts to a non-Islamic religion, or (in case of inheritable claims) after her sons inherit the claims, can they be used at all. The claims of female Muslims can't be pressed, not even if they are your personal claims. (If you are female, however, you may press your personal claims regardless of the title's succession law.) You cannot push a woman's claim on a title that uses Agnatic succession law.
A strong claim can be pushed against anyone by almost anyone. Strong claims are, as the name implies, the more useful type of claim. Lieges with either type of claim on a title may revoke that title from a vassal without incurring tyranny. The difference between a strong and a weak claim can be determined by the graphics, and mousing over a claim will indicate whether it will currently be inherited.Ī holder of either type of claim is eligible to have their claim pressed by a faction, and also automatically qualifies as a potential candidate under Feudal Elective succession.
Claims come in two varieties, weak and strong.