Eu4 custom nation tag
Eu4 custom nation tag

eu4 custom nation tag

If you win the war you would get the whole country united again. Not sure if you could pick the side you want though. Well you could probably make a mod where a country starts in a civil-war szenario. Would it be possible to make a mod that lets you start as a civil war nation? IE one of the micro nations that pops up when a coup works. Question about modding in a semi related manner to this topic: Right now you can mod new countries into the game in case you didn't know! You could ask a friendly modder if he can make a mod for your desired country / country's! ) (there is a croatia mod for example) If you just mean custom nation as in fantasy nations that mgiht be something they could add alongside some major DLC als they did in eu4 with the custom nations! Originally posted by AeneaS:custom nations? You mean a nation creation tool in-game?

Eu4 custom nation tag